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Track Car Build
22 posts
Car Finally Fixed
Well the car was not running right still on the Saturday session at Croft. The car wasn’t boosting…
Impreza @ Croft RSOC Regional Day 2010
Yet another excellent weekend spent at Croft Circuit, North Yorkshire. First the problems…. well there was only one…
Japfest 2010 = More Problems
Right I’m sick of revising for this exam on Tuesday, so I’ll post the report from the weekend…
Baffled Sump – Finishing Touches
Talk about leaving everything till last min… just been finishing off the little bits and bobs I needed…
Seats In, Wash and Polish – Final Stages for Japfest
Wow what a day… 9am start on the car, and got everything pretty much finished now (well mechanically,…
Oil and Oil Cooler Arrives
As my new gearbox oil arrived from OpieOils (cheers oilman) – I went for Castrol Syntrax Universal 75w-90,…
Oil Cooler Disaster
Disaster today… one of the things i needed to do was tighten up the oil cooler pipe at…
Impreza Dry Cell Battery Fitting
Well I now have power once again in the car, but not much to cross off my “to…
Gauges Wired In + Little Bits
I created a small distribution box for the gauges from the radio ignition power/earth, and stripped back all…
Exhaust Wrapping + More
To try and keep temperatures down under the bonnet (and also stopping the headers from heating up the…
Ferodo DS-2500 Pads Installed
Did some more work on the car yesterday (Saturday). Managed to pipe in the 3port after visiting Harvey…
Well I’m a bit peeved off at the moment after doing some bits to the car today.. not…
Digital Camo Begins
After seeing a nice yellow Evo on one of the Evo forums which had something similar done, I…
Chipped Impreza ECU
The postman finally arrived with the de-solder tool I got off eBay last week, which means I can…
Impreza ABS Removal + BIAS Valve Fitting
Back on the car this weekend – was supposed to be doing marshal training, but looked out the…
Sound Deadning Finally Finished
Gutted that I forgot the camera today, as got quite a bit done (as well as getting extremely…
The Start Of The Unwanted Wiring
Got some more work done Impreza today, mainly taking out wiring I no longer need, i.e. ABS module…
Let The Dash Flocking Begin
The dash was quite easy to take out (seeing as I already had most of it stripped off,…
Sound Deadening Continues
Another Sunday’s work on it before Sunday dinner… tried ice (as suggested by a user on ScoobyNet), and…
Sound Deadening Removal
Another weekend has now passed and I’m still hacking away at this bloody sound deadening (wish I never…
Impreza Dyno @ Motorscope
Well we decided to take the Impreza for a Dyno run and check-up (as the car seemed to…
Impreza Track Car Build – The Begining
Well now that I have a blog, I can start displaying my build thread on here, and keep…