Oil Cooler Disaster

Oil Cooler Disaster BvsuAABScsP0QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

Disaster today… one of the things i needed to do was tighten up the oil cooler pipe at the bottom as I saw it was leaking ever so slightly, but I went too far and ended up tightening it up that much it took the threads off :(

Oil Cooler Disaster 30857a10 Oil Cooler Disaster c4f6b100

So new oil cooler on order now, which meant I couldn’t do some of the other things i needed to do IE brakes on the passenger side.

I tried getting the tubing (for the window washers) through the bulk head (same location as i took the power lead, but failed, so have to drill a new hole somewhere (just a pain trying to get the drill in anywhere under the bonnet, as its double skinned at the top.

As I couldn’t get on with much else, i got my show plate fitted (should go nice with my slick alloys :D)

Oil Cooler Disaster Jamz Numberplate

Hopefully the camber bolts I purchased from America will be here this week so I can get the car booked in to get its 4 wheel geometry setup (going to try and get it booked in for the day we go down to Japfest)

Also attempted to remove the back box, to try and get a bung/mute made up for track use, but could I hell get it off (would have used my hammer drill but I’ve smashed the bit i used, so will have to get a new one of them too)

God its 2 steps forward, 3 steps back at the moment :(

On another note, when i was painting the boot today, I noticed a metal bit which I removed to reveal this bottle… now what the hell is this for? Its connected with three pipes but I cannot see where they go to… there is no way to fill this thing up with anything and is completely empty ?

Oil Cooler Disaster Unknown Boot Bottle

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