Gauges Wired In + Little Bits

Gauges Wired In + Little Bits BvsuAABScsP0QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

I created a small distribution box for the gauges from the radio ignition power/earth, and stripped back all the old speaker cables and bits that were not needed here.

Gauges Wired In + Little Bits GuageWiredIn

Found the problem with the fans (the battery was that dead it couldnt power them) – had the battery on charge for a bit before testing and the fans came on :D – You can see the battery has bugger all left in it:

Gauges Wired In + Little Bits NoVolts

Padded up the roll cage, put the passenger foot in and bolted in, so the roll cage is completely done now

Passenger seat back in the car and bolted in… so front end is pretty much back together now :D

Gauges Wired In + Little Bits RollCage Seats

Still need to remove the sound deadening from the boot, and paint it before i put the harnesses back in.

Did a bit more of the Camo today while before dinner

Gauges Wired In + Little Bits Camo

Managed to get the window up (just wired the motor direct to the battery to get it up) checked everything with the multimeter, and seems there is no power going to the windows what so ever, so I’ve missed a plug somewhere, just need to find where it is supposed to be…

Postman came this last week too with the best bits ive had so far

Genius Dry Cell Battery
Gauges Wired In + Little Bits Dry Cell Battery Gauges Wired In + Little Bits Dry Cell Battery1 Gauges Wired In + Little Bits Dry Cell Battery 3 Gauges Wired In + Little Bits Dry Cell Battery 2

Cusco Adjustable Top Mount
Gauges Wired In + Little Bits Cusco Camber Gauges Wired In + Little Bits Cusco Camber 1

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