4 Great Websites For Killing Time When You’re Bored

4 Great Websites For Killing Time When You're Bored elWgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

When you find yourself at a loose end, you probably end up scrolling through social media. It’s what most of us do, but are you really that bothered about people’s posts? Opening up social media has become a natural instinct when we are looking to kill time but it’s pretty boring a lot of the time. There are so many other websites out there that you could use to entertain yourself, so why just stick to social media all the time? These are some of the best websites to visit when you’re trying to kill time. 

The Secret Door 

If you only have 5 minutes, you don’t have time to go on a trip, but you could take a quick virtual trip if you visit the secret door. It’s a great little website that takes advantage of Google Maps to help you explore the world. Simply click on the door and it will take you to a random location somewhere in the world and you can have a quick look around. If you don’t like what you find, just click the button to go somewhere else. You never know what you might find. 


Google Maps has spawned a few great sites online, and GeoGuessr is another great one that you should try. You will be taken to a random location somewhere in the world and it’s up to you to guess on the map whereabouts you are. The closer you get, the more points you will win. It’s a lot harder than it sounds and it’s a very addictive game to play. 


If you’re a car enthusiast but you don’t have time to hit the road for a drive, why not play some driving games instead? Drifted has loads of great driving games like moto x3m 4 and the best thing is, they’re all completely free to play in your web browser. You’ll head to the site for a quick 5 minutes and before you know it, an hour will pass while you’re enjoying the library of great driving games on there. 


If you enjoy a good quiz, you should definitely visit Sporcle if you have some time to kill. It bills itself as the world’s largest quiz website and you’ll soon see why when you head to the site. There are quizzes on just about any subject that you can imagine and there is even a section where people can create their own quizzes, so they’re adding new ones all of the time. If you’re looking to kill time but you want to exercise your brain at the same time, this is a great place to do it. If you can’t find the quiz that you’re looking for (which is unlikely) why not try your hand at writing your own? 

These are all great sites that will help you to beat the boredom and kill some time. However, it’s important to remember that you need to use the internet safely when you are browsing a lot of new sites that you wouldn’t normally go on. 

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