A Truly Mans Way Of Living

A Truly Mans Way Of Living elWgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

To the majority of men, being a true man’s man is so important. So that when anyone looks at them, they know that they’re someone who means business. It’s almost a sense of pride that men get from knowing that others think they’re manly. But a man’s way of living seems to be changing at the minute. We’re noticing that more men are taking on feminine traits, but still being considered a man’s man. For example, so many men now like to get regular hair cuts and man scraping, and take more time and effort into making sure their hair is perfect, and their outfit is smart, everytime that they go out. A lot of men are now getting their eyebrows waxed, teeth whitened, and anything else in between. But does that mean they’re any less of a man than men who aren’t really bothered about that? No. The times are changing and the world is changing with it. But there are some of you that will no doubt want to stick to your manly routes, and there are some things that you might want to bring back into your life so that it happens. So, we’re going to explore what we think is a truly man’s way of living, and how you can not only feel more confident and happy within yourself, but also feel as though you’re that man that everyone wants!

A Mans Style

One of the things that a man is either going to be really good at, or really bad at, is style. Some men seem to be more into their fashion than women do, and you certainly can tell when you’re either shopping with them, or getting ready with them. They take hours, just as women do in the shop, and they take even longer to pick an outfit to wear! So for those of you who you think you know what style in, then this section might not be for you. But for those of you who go for the same jeans and same top every single night that you go out, and rarely ever switch it up in the day, then this article is definitely going to be for you. So to get your style on point, you’re first going to have to think about what you actually like. There’s no point wearing something that you don’t feel comfortable in, just to make yourself feel good. You could easily wear something that might not be in style at the minute, but add things to it to make the look, look stylish. You should never be afraid of embracing things that are different. You may not care for the benefits of bamboo clothing but if you like the look of an item of clothing, the fact that it’s eco-friendly is just a plus. While trends are everything to some people, it’s far more important to find something that is you and makes you feel good when you are wearing it.

So, some of you just won’t like wearing skinny jeans at all, and that’s completely fine. Just because you don’t like skinny jeans, it doesn’t mean that you can’t go for something like a slim fit. They’re not as baggy as straight jeans, but they’re not glued to your leg like skinny jeans. But jeans should be the statement of any mans wardrobe. If you just wear joggers, then you definitely need to invest in a pair. We’d recommend having one pair of light jeans, one pair of dark blue jeans, and one pair of black jeans.

Then for the top, it all depends on what the occasion is. If you’re wanting to keep it casual, just a nice branded top with a sweatshirt over the top would be nice. If you’re going out, then it obviously has to be a shirt. With a shirt, you need to make sure that you get the fit right. It’s not good than to see a top hang off a man, and there’s nothing worse than it being so tight that you can literally see the top about to pop. You might benefit from wearing a muscle fit top. These are usually the perfect fit, as long as you get your size right. Finally, shoes are the finisher to any man’s outfit, and often the item that people take the most pride and joy over.

One item that you definitely need on the shoe rack, is a nice pair of smart shoes. These don’t have to be pointy smart ones, all they need to be is black and smart. They’re easy enough to find in any shoe store, just find the right style for you, and store them until an occasion arises. Then the humble trainer, the item that every man knows and loves. There are some truly amazing shoes out there at the minute, but a new release has been from Nike, made by a collaboration with Skepta. They’re the black shocks, and the bright red sole really does make a statement. Even with a smart outfit these are going to look good, just because they’re not distinctive, yet really smart with that black and red contrast.

A Man’s Fitness

Men and fitness is either going to be an addiction, or an on and off battle that never seems to get anywhere. But fitness is something that everyone needs to focus on, because when you focus on your fitness, the rest of your life becomes disciplined, and you start to feel better about your whole body. It’s so easy to make the assumption that women are the ones with the self conscious body issues, but it has been proven that men are just as self conscious as women, yet probably more lazy. So if you’re not really into your fitness at the minute, it’s time to change. Once you’ve spent about two weeks in the gym, you’ll start to get a gym bug. It takes over your whole body, and you just can’t help but spend your time there. We’d definitely recommend getting a PT to get you started. They can get you going with workouts that will suit your goal. For a man, the goal is usually to get as ripped as possible. But this isn’t going to come without hard work and dedication, and work outside of the gym. The one mistake that men seem to make, is smashing a workout at the gym, and then spending the rest of the time eating rubbish. So think about a clean, protein filled diet. There’s a ton of research out there to help you. Some men find it easier to make progress in the gym, and that’s simply due to their testosterone levels, and genetics. So if you ever feel like you’re not really getting anywhere with the gym, a testosterone booster might be something to consider. You should obviously always do you research with this, but if you know that you’re struggling with your weight and muscle gain, then this might really help you! Always put maximum effort into your workouts, and focus on a healthy lifestyle around that, and you should be completely fine!

A Mans Toys

Men never grow out of the phase of loving their toys, their toys just change. So instead of playing with action figures, most men grow up to have a love for cars, bikes, or gaming. Those are the three things that we’ve noticed that men like the most! So if it’s a love for cars that you have, we’d definitely recommend that you buy yourself and experience day! An experience day can be brought in the form of vouchers off the internet. If you love a bit of a thrill as well, you might love to try something like a drifting experience day. These are just so much fun, they get your blood pumping and your mind racing. You usually spend half a day learning how to drift, and then at the end a professional drifter will take you around the track, and that’s where the true adrenaline rush comes in. If it’s biking that you love, and you always find yourself watching it on TV, why not have a look when tickets come out to go and see it in person. It would be such a good day out to do something like this, and seeing it first hand is always better than sitting in front of the TV. If it is gaming that you love, and you love getting all geeky, then it might be the new World of Warcraft that you’ll love to play. It’s a game that most gamers played as a child, and now that the new version has come out, that gaming boy inside of all men is coming out! Even if it means you have to buy a PC or a laptop, it’s still going to be a good purchase!

A Man’s Lifestyle

A man’s lifestyle is either going to be one where they sit around doing nothing all day, or they’re always out with friends at the pub. If you’re someone who is always sitting around all day, get out and do something! There’s so many things in this world that people in general are missing out on, simply because they’re always at home hiding away! So get out there, make some plans, and just do something completely different! There’s nothing worse than feeling like everyone else is out there having fun, and you’re stuck in bored at home.

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