North East Car Care is a fantastic automotive detailer based in Hartlepool in the North East of England. This is owned by a local enthusiast, Shaun. It was by pure chance I found this company, browsing the many pages on Facebook people on my friends list have liked, I stumbled upon the North East Car Care Facebook page.
After spending a little time talking to Shaun, he provided me with a bit of history about the company, and it seems North East Car Care has been around for a while now, but struggling to get any sort of exposure in the social media world, so with this article will try and do that for him, and give his company that little boost it needs!
As you can see from the pictures he worked wonders on my car – Ford Fiesta ST and I would highly recommend him. He has a range of products and services to serve everybody, from just a standard valet, all the way to paint correction.
North East Car Care Process
The products that he used on my car are as follows:
- Valet Pro pH Neutral Snow foam
- Car Pro IronX on the wheels
- Washed with Britemax Clean Max shampoo with a CarPro swirl free wash mitt.
- Iron x and Autosmart Tardis on the paint work before being clayed with Bilt Hamber clay bar.
- P-01A applied by DA polisher and buffed.
- 90min wait before first coat of Swissvax shield applied then 2nd coat applied after approx. 45min.
- Modesta P-01A Glass Coat Primer followed by his own special blend of Window Cleaner on the windows.
As you can see from the pictures, he is truly outstanding and brilliant at what he does.
Check out the North East Car Care website for a full price list, or even pop down with your car for a free paint inspection.