Quirky Ways To Make Money On The Web

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The web has changed the way we live our lives. Everything has been transformed, from the way we shop to the way we socialise. But what about the way we work? Thanks to the internet, the way we work is set to change too. In fact, it sort of already has. There are now so many opportunities to make a bit of money online that it’s almost an embarrassment of riches. So what’s out there?

Seeking Out Inappropriate Content

Everyday millions of people upload content to social media sites and so on. And in among all that content is sometimes some x-rated material. Given that most of us don’t want our children seeing that sort of thing, that’s a problem.

Cue the human filters. It’s now possible, through websites like Crowdflower to find work in this area. You’ll be seeking out inappropriate material in user-generated content. Often, whether or not content is appropriate or not is not immediately obvious. You’ll have to scour pictures from top to bottom, looking to see if there’s anything there that shouldn’t be.

On the plus side, the work can pay quite well. As with most internet tasks, the rate of remuneration depends on the urgency. Work that needs to be done quickly often commands a much higher rate of pay than work for delivery in a week’s time. You can expect to get paid between £1 and £100 for various tasks.

Join A Virtual Jury

This is an odd one for sure. Lawyers have for years struggled with how to approach a jury in court. After all, it wasn’t possible for them to get any practice. But now, thanks to the internet, they can. Right now lawyers are demanding people who can sit on virtual juries for them. Why? Because they want to be able to simulate a court situation. They want to find out how juries will react to the cases that they present. And they want to experiment with different ethnic mixes on those juries.

This is great news for anyone looking to make money on the web. Each case you sit through can bag you between £5 and £10, depending on the length. And pretty much all you have to do is offer your opinion on the subject in question: not bad.

Online Gaming

Everybody wants to get paid for playing video games. But thanks to a few savvy entrepreneurs, now you can. Some games offer a chance to win a cash prize if you play them. Some games, like Exodus 3000 allow you to exchange in-game currency for real cash. There are even casino games, like those from Maria, where you can win real cash. Suffice to say, the number of ways to make money through video games is vast. And it’s growing.

Become An Online Life Coach

You’d be surprised just how many people out there want a greater sense of purpose and direction in their lives. This is where online life coaches step in. Thanks to the internet, life coaches can meet with people at great distances. Plus they can consult on any number of topics, from love and dating success to weight loss.


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