Why Motocross Should Be Your Next Adventure


If you’ve not heard of motocross by now, where have you been? It’s a sport, now famous thanks to Red Bull, where daring racers ride off road motorbikes over amazing, off-road courses.

The sport is a little bit like motorised mountain biking, but with a lot more horsepower. Now, finally, the sport is taking off in the UK. And it’s not hard to see why.

You’ll Learn Something

Motocross is a sport that requires a high degree of mental acuity. We’re not talking book smart here. We’re talking about the ability of your brain to adapt quickly to changes in conditions, ride, and surfaces. It’s a big task and one that will sharpen your brain in ways you hadn’t imagined.

What’s more, you’ll learn about the bikes themselves. Because subject to a lot of strain out on the course, you’re bound to experience some equipment failures. But these failures are an opportunity to learn about the bikes and how to maintain them.

You’ll also learn about the sport itself. Like many sports, it’s diverse and has its icons.


You’ll Be A Better Rider On The Street

Motocross is far more demanding than riding a regular motorbike. It requires you to have your wits about you constantly as you ride. But what many bikers don’t realise at first is just how valuable this new found skill is once they return to the street.

The road might be a far easier place to ride, in general. But it’s also a place that occasionally throws up expected obstacles. Think about the last time you rode into a muddy lay-by or a patch of sand. You might have had a bit of a wobble. But with some motocross under your belt, these situations will be a lot less scary. In fact, you’ll be better prepared than ever before to react when the going gets tough.


It’s Good For The Whole Family

Many people approach motocross as if it’s male dominated and not for kids. But this could not be further from the truth. There are many good reasons to get the whole family involved, including the kids.

Motocross is great for helping kids to improve their confidence. Kids quickly learn where their limits lie and knowing this helps them to navigate the world more effectively. But many people forget just how physical a sport motocross is. So it’s also a way for kids to improve their overall fitness.

What’s more, you can see motocross as a way for you to build family ties with your family. It’s an exhilarating sport that has the effect of bringing people together. Kids love it because it’s fun, and it gives dad something to teach them that is actually exciting and practical.

You’ll Meet New People

Sure, this can be said for any activity that involves a community. But there is something special about the motocross community that isn’t found at your local community club. Motocross riders tend to be very friendly and also very passionate about their sport. There’s a camaraderie here, rather like there is in the wider motorcycling community. Other riders often take a deep interest in your progress, bike and skills. This isn’t nosiness. It comes out of their genuine passion for the sport and their desire to see it grow.

What’s more, this camaraderie adds to the overall experience in meaningful ways. Yes, motocross is exciting. But it’s the community that forms the backbone of its enduring appeal.

You Can Customise Your Gear

Sites like www.poaracing.co.uk offer a wide variety of protective gear, in a wide range of styles. This is great if you’re somebody who likes to customise their appearance and stand out from the crowd.

Many riders like to go for a signature look, so they need to gear to match. Shopping for the right motocross gear itself can be a fun experience.

Dirt Biking Is Not Seasonal

Many people think that they have to wait for the summer before they can go out on an adventure. And while this is true for many sports, it’s not so for motocross. Dirt bikes don’t care whether it’s a scorching hot day in August, or there are six inches of snow on the ground in December. They’re interested in one thing: shredding off-road.

Of course, you’ll have to make a few alterations to your bike for the winter. Putting on studded tyres is a must. But these minor changes can be carried out at the beginning of the season, without a lot of hassle. Bottom line, motocross is ready whenever you are.

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