Always be prepared: Unexpected Charges

Car Costs

As if insurance, parking fees, and high fuel costs weren’t enough! Count your lucky stars if that’s all you’ve had to deal with. For there are a whole host of financial potholes drivers can now expect to run into.

Removal from the Motorway

Luckily some insurance companies provide for this unfortunate scenario, but one thing is for sure: The government do not. Even if your car has been stolen, and finds itself on the motorway after a dramatic car chase. One thing that Hollywood movies tend to leave out is the scene where the owner gets a bill from the police. Charges range from £150 – £6000.

Damaging the road

This may come as a shock to a motorist who has suffered a nasty breakdown on the motorway, or has had their vehicle swerve into something. According to the law, it is perfectly legal to fine the driver for damaging items along the road, such as signs or barriers. In fact, even if the vehicle’s fuel deposits leak out onto the road in the process, the law can step in. And failing to report such details is even an offence in itself.

Police Patrolling Roads

Broken electronics

Modern cars are not so much a means of transport, as a piece of computer hardware. And the reinstallation costs of advanced GPS and entertainment systems are only getting higher.

Key cutting

Another nightmare you’d rather not deal with is replacing a key. Vehicle key cutting and fob reprogramming is a necessary evil. The later is far cheaper, and most car dealers can arrange it for around £30. However, with a new key, it is rare to be charged below £100, and depending on the model and make, you could even have to pay double that!


“You do the crime, you do the time” as they say. However, few people who get fined for speeding have done so intentionally. Still, the law is quite clear that the minimum penalty is a £100 fine – as well as 3 penalty points on your licence.

Valuation disputes

Sometimes, an insurance company will write off a car that only needs a few minor repairs, giving the owner a sum for it is hardly enough to replace it. As if that wasn’t enough, it has been recorded on more than one occasion that the car is later spotted by the previous owner, fully repaired and up for sale. Disputes stemming from this type of thing can be long and expensive.

Dodgy Repairmen

By far the most common financial headache-causers. You should only repair your vehicle at garages that listed on Engines, transmissions, and emissions systems are getting more and more difficult to understand. That’s how many dodgy repairmen can  blind you by science in order to charge for something that needs no repairs.

Dodgy Repairs

Parking Fines

You know those signs along the motorway where the government urge you to “have a break” at the next service station? Well, you’d be forgiven then, for thinking that the service station itself was for the public good. No chance. Even stopping for a quick toilet break without paying could leave you with £50 – £100 in penalties.

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