4 Family Holiday Activities You Might Not Have Considered

4 Family Holiday Activities You Might Not Have Considered BvsuAABScsP0QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

Sometimes, a family holiday can get a bit boring, right? While sure, it’s nice getting to cool off at the beach, eat some ice cream, and walk around a historic city centre, at the same time, again, it can get really boring doing this every year for a holiday. Wouldn’t activity holiday inspiration be great? 

Specifically, something that’s not too out there, not too expensive, and, of course, not too outlandish either; after all, this is a family holiday. But why not consider an experience for your family that nobody has done yet? Some activities are budget-friendly, fun, and, of course, something that’s special to just a holiday. Well, here are some activities you might have yet to consider, that are definitely worth it! 

Paddle Boarding Adventures

There are some holiday activities that you have to be good at and have plenty of practice with in order to be good, and this is definitely apparent when it comes to watersports. Fortunately, paddle boarding is actually one of the very few waterports that anyone can do fairly easily. 

While sure, you’ll need some beginner-friendly paddle boards, these are pretty affordable, and some areas will even rent them out for cheap depending on where you are. But just picture it for a moment; you and your family gliding across a serene lake, exploring hidden coves along the coastline, or even paddling through a vibrant city canal- like through Amsterdam. It sounds pretty unique, right?


Alright, so prices can really vary because it all depends on the location. For example, an eco-tour in Costa Rica will be a totally different experience and price from a safari tour in South Africa. Plus, they’re not all equal as some of these eco/ wildlife tours might be as gentle as just bird-watching, while others might offer full-blown hikes or sit in a roofless Jeep. But of course, this can still be fun, and some major cities will have safari zoos if you’re on a tight budget or just lack interest in a full-blown wildlife tour. 

Street Art Tours

Does your family have an appreciation for the arts? Well, if your family enjoys exploring cities, consider going beyond the typical tourist attractions and delve into urban exploration and street art tours. Since these aren’t yet super common (still niche and maybe one tour operator/ tour guide per city), you can count on these not being too expensive either. 

Guided tours can take you through hidden alleyways and lesser-known neighbourhoods, providing insights into the history and culture of the city. This unconventional approach to urban sightseeing can reveal a side of the city that’s often overlooked.

Food Tour

While yes, food tours are super common, they’re not exactly the most common when it comes to a family tour because kids are picky eaters- so it’s usually couples or friends type of tour. But families are welcome, especially if you all are a family of foodies. One example would be the Cheese Trail in Switzerland, but there are plenty of city-based food tours that you could do instead to knock out a couple of hours.

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