Tips for Driving with Passengers for the First Time

Tips for Driving with Passengers for the First Time elWgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

If you’re just starting your driving career, then the prospect of ferrying passengers around might seem daunting. You have a responsibility to keep them safe and comfortable – but, sometimes, the very presence of those passengers can add to the challenge of driving. 

Let’s consider a few key tips for those looking at driving with passengers for the first time.

Stay Focused and Minimise Distractions

As the driver, your attention should be on the road at all times. If your passengers are distracting you, either by talking to you or otherwise, it’s a good idea to set a few boundaries. It’s your vehicle, and you get to set the rules. 

In most cases, it’s only at certain points on a journey where distraction might become an issue. Busy junctions and sliproads might present a particular sort of difficulty. Getting passengers to quiet down at these points might be all that’s required to limit the problem. 

Drivers must ensure that all passengers obey the law when it comes to the wearing of seat belts. Everyone in the car should be wearing one; you’re responsible for ensuring compliance in everyone under the age of fourteen. 

You could also be held responsible if you’re carrying more passengers than the vehicle is designed to hold. If you try to cram four in the back when there are only three seats, even if you’re only driving around the corner, then you are putting everyone in danger – and you could face considerable legal repercussions. 

There are particular rules around driving with very small children. These concern the use of BS-kitemark-branded seats and boosters. Make sure that everyone is suitably strapped in.

Maintain a Safe Driving Speed and Avoid Peer Pressure

New drivers tend to be young drivers, and young drivers tend to be vulnerable to peer pressure. You might be encouraged to take unnecessary risks, or to display excessive speed. Resist the pressure, and keep your driving behaviour sensible. This will reduce the risk of your being involved in a collision. It’s partly for this reason that insurance for young drivers tends to command a higher premium.

Prepare for Common Challenges When Driving with Passengers

Driving a car with passengers in it is inherently more challenging for several reasons. You might need to deal with sudden seat adjustments, loud noises, complaints about the radio or the climate control, or parking problems. Make sure that you establish clear boundaries and assert your authority. It’s your car, and you’ll be the one taking the blame if things go wrong as a result of your decisions.

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