Knowing when to splurge and save when you travel can help you to make the most of your budget while still having the best time. Setting out little rules for yourself before you go can help you to have an awesome trip – below you’ll find just a few ideas of what you can do.
Save: Book Your Tours And Tickets In Advance
If you know what tours and things you want to see before you go, booking in advance can help you to save money. This may not always be the case, but usually, booking in advance is a good idea.
Splurge: Allow Yourself A Meal In A Popular Restaurant
Eating out every day and night can get expensive, which is why many people choose street food to save cash. However, if you’re a foodie, you should allow yourself the splurge on one meal in a popular restaurant. If food isn’t important to you, though, you don’t have to do this!
Save: Take Public Transport
Public transport might take a little longer and, in some places, be more difficult to figure out, but it’ll help you to save. Taking cabs everywhere and renting a car are far more expensive in comparison.
Splurge: Do One Thing You Know You’ll Never Forget
Allow yourself the splurge on one thing you’ll never forget, for example, a broadway show. You can use the infographic below to make sure you see the right one!
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