Do you need to install a car tracker when purchasing a new car?

Phone Tracker

If you are considering purchasing a new car then this is one of the questions that you may consider asking the dealership. Unfortunately, even though car theft statistics show that this is a crime that is still on the rise with no signs of slowing down, most car manufacturers do not install car trackers in new vehicles.

This means that for your own peace of mind, and to protect your new investment, you will need to decide if having a car tracker installed is something that you should have done. The simple answer is that not of course you do not need to install a car tracker in a new car when you purchase it. However, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you probably should.

Is fitting a car tracker worth it?

The answer is an unequivocal yes, fitting a car tracker to your new car really is a worthwhile investment. Car thieves love to target high-end and prestige motors, in fact these are often stolen to order, but it isn’t just premium cars that are at risk. Even second hand cars are no longer as cheap as they once were, and this means that they can also be at risk of theft. You wouldn’t think twice about insuring items in your house against accidental damage or theft. In much the same way you could think of a car tracker as insurance. They might not stop thieves from taking your car. However, in the event that this happens it makes it much easier to track with the potential for the police to catch the criminals involved.

You should, however, make sure that you have a suitable car tracker fitted to your car, and this means it is a good idea to look for something that is approved by the Thatcham Research Centre. This is the industry standard.

Fitting a car tracker can also help to give you peace of mind in a number of other ways. It can help you to locate your car when you can’t remember where you parked thanks to its real time data which can be relayed to your mobile phone. If a member of the family is using the car and has not arrived home at the expected time this can often lead to worry. With a car tracker fitted you will also be able to track where the car is to see where your loved ones are. This may indicate whether they have been held up or are stuck in traffic, letting you know that you have nothing to worry about.

It is important to ensure that any car tracker you do purchase is installed by a qualified and approved technician, and that it is placed in a secret location on  your vehicle. It is also important to ensure that it is suitable for alternative technology vehicles if that is what you are considering purchasing. Hybrid and fully-electric vehicles may not be suitable for some car trackers. This is something that any well established professional car tracker supplier should be able to assist you with.

Can you install an old tracker on a new car?

If you have a car tracker on your old vehicle then you may have been wondering whether it is worth transferring it to the new car. This option will obviously save you some money. However, the technology in car trackers is continually improving. Therefore, if you want to ensure maximum security for your new vehicle, it is best to have a new tracker fitted. This will ensure that you get the latest technology to protect your brand new vehicle.

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