When you are looking to buy a car, you might assume that buying new is best. After all, new cars have all the latest technology and the all-important new car smell everyone raves about. But the truth is that most of the off-putting myths you hear about used cars simply aren’t true.
Looking at used cars might feel riskier but the reality is that used cars often aren’t as old as you would think, are perfect for most people’s requirements and are usually much cheaper than their newer counterparts. Just a flyby of https://www.ovms.co.uk/ will show you how many awesome new cars are available.
So what are the top 3 myths you need to ignore?
Used Cars are Really Bad for the Environment
It might come as a surprise but there are some great used cars that work a bit harder for the environment and can even be better than some new cars on the market. If the environment is a major concern for you, and you like using eco-friendly transport, such as an EMTB, you will be relieved to know that the used car market is also on your side. This list of top 10 cheap environmentally used cars from Confused is certainly persuasive.
As well as some used cars being more fuel efficient, it is simply a better use of materials to extend the life of a car for as long as possible. We should all be investing in long term goods in every area of the economy and the car industry is no different.
Used Cars Are Never High Quality
This myth really hurts because there are so many great used cars available. Yes, you do need to be careful and check a used car and take a test drive before you buy, but please keep an open mind while you are searching. We are all guilty of taking a set and slightly unrealistic list of expectations when we shop for anything but allowing yourself to be surprised is the best thing you can do.
The best way to find a high quality used car is to find an auto dealer you trust. Generally, the used car dealer is really invested in finding you the best car for your needs but when you find someone who honestly understands what you are looking for and respects your budget, it is a great start.
Used Cars Are Always Ancient With Really High Mileage
Again, this myth is damaging and while you can certainly find some cars that have gone the distance, most cars on a used car forecourt are actually quite young. A year old car is always much cheaper to buy than a new car and not actually that hard to find on the used car market. Even so, buying an old car that has been well maintained and hasn’t clocked too many miles could be a real bargain.
For many young drivers looking for a cheap car they can cut their teeth on, a used car is a much better option. When you are looking for an easy way to get from A to B, a used car is usually the best option.