A tidy space makes for a calm mind, whether working from home or getting stuck into a hobby. Many of us are capitalising on the benefits of remote working but many of us struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance with the constant visual reminder of work tasks and clutter around us.
The good news is, creating a calming and organised home environment can significantly boost your productivity and well-being. It doesn’t even need to be a difficult job either! With these key design tips, you’ll have a home environment that will help you put your all into every task.
Define Your Zones
The first step is establishing designated zones within your home. Carve out a workspace for focused tasks, a cozy reading nook for relaxation and ensure clear pathways for easy movement. This zoning promotes a sense of purpose in each area, minimising mental clutter.
Having a designated office space will greatly enhance your work-from-home days. This doesn’t require a complete overhaul – even a small corner can be transformed into a productive workspace.
Lots of Natural Light
For higher levels of engagement, natural light is a must. Studies show that daylight helps us regulate our circadian rhythms and can enhance energy levels, better concentration and improved sleep quality.
When designing your workspace, prioritise natural light by positioning your desk near a window. Invest in blackout blinds for presentations or screen time, but otherwise, let the sunshine in! Some tasks may require more clinical lighting for precise performances so investing in a dimmer switch ensures you can adjust your lights as needed.
Declutter Ruthlessly
Excess clutter is a productivity killer, but it builds so easily in our homes. It’s better to tackle it head-on and be ruthless. Start by sorting through your belongings and discarding anything that doesn’t bring you joy or serve a purpose.
Broken items can be recycled or thrown away, but when it comes to unused clothes, old shoes and bits like books, donate them to charity shops so they can find a new home.
Plenty of Storage
Smart storage solutions are key to maintaining an organised home. Utilise shelving, cabinets, and drawers to keep everything in its designated place.
Consider investing in made-to-measure fitted wardrobes – these offer a sleek, space-saving solution for bedrooms, freeing up valuable floor space and preventing clothes from becoming a source of clutter.
Personalise for Inspiration
Your workspace should be a reflection of you and your work. Surround yourself with items that inspire and motivate you. This could be artwork, inspirational quotes, photographs of loved ones or even a mood board. Adding a touch of greenery with houseplants can further enhance air quality and create a sense of calm.