Bang for Your Buck Car Modifications

Bang for Your Buck Car Modifications

If you’re going to spend thousands on your new car, then why not spend a few extra hundred dollars to improve your existing vehicle and make it that much better? Sure, you might think that your car is currently the bee’s knees and you don’t see yourself needing to upgrade or purchase modifications in the near future, but here are a few compelling reasons why you should always consider aftermarket modifications as soon as you drive your vehicle out of the dealership.

Tires and Wheels

Something that many used car buyers forget is that tires can become worn out, nasty and generally less efficient than when they were new. This isn’t just a case of how many miles the car has been driven either. Depending on the types of surfaces the car was driving on, how it was driven and so on, the tires could be damaged so badly that they would need repairing. A good set of tires will set you back a bit of money, but if you have to drive in adverse weather conditions, the seasons change frequently or you’re worried about your current tires being worn out, then it’s a worthy investment. Consider getting alloy wheels if you want something that will last you a very long time that will not only make your car last longer but also make it drive better. Just remember that your wheels are extremely important and do a lot for your car, so don’t skimp on them!

Bang for Your Buck Car Modifications pexels photo 244818

Better Seating

No, you don’t have to replace all of the seats in your car, but it’s a good idea to replace your driver’s seat with something more comfortable. You probably don’t realise it, but a lot of effort goes into your body when you drive. For instance, every time you hit the brakes suddenly, your entire body shifts forward and you have to keep your body in place by holding onto the wheel tightly. You’ll be surprised at how much more comfortable you’ll be if you buy a chair that fully supports your body. These are fairly expensive but worth your time to install and the money to invest.

Bang for Your Buck Car Modifications pexels photo 190574

Adjustable Sway Bar

A sway bar connects the two sides of your car’s suspension, preventing it from leaning during corners. It keeps the car’s weight distributed across both sides of your tires, meaning that you won’t tip your car over when you turn a corner. A sway bar is usually already installed into your car, but you can get adjustable ones that allow you to alter the stiffness of the bar. What this does is allow you to tinker with it to change how your car feels when you turn a corner. When you buy a sway bar for your car, ensure that you know what you are doing when tuning your car’s suspension. If possible, take your vehicle to a garage and ask them for advice. What you don’t want to do is install two different sway bars, or install them at separate times.

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